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Article by Tim Delaney Featured on The BAM Alliance

Tim was recently featured on The BAM Alliance website with an article he wrote about how we view the markets. The article – What Does Your Glass Look Like? – reminds readers that we shouldn’t listen only to the bad news the media sells investors. There is plenty of good news, too. And if you want to keep your sanity, it will do you good to have a positive outlook.

We have all heard the phrase, “Is your glass half-empty, or half-full?” When it comes to investing and the nearly constant news about stock market performance, we seem to hear mostly “glass-half-empty” comments. Why, you say? It’s because we humans are hard-wired with a greater attraction to bad news than to good news. Bad news sells, whereas good news doesn’t.However, when it comes to your investments, the bad news (if acted upon) can wreak havoc in your portfolio. 


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